This is why overpricing your property could backfire on you.

Should you price your house high so you can have more room to negotiate? To answer this question, we want to share an analogy with you.

Let’s consider the last thing you bought online. For instance, Evette bought a laptop charger. When she was shopping for it on Amazon, she saw numerous chargers just like it and eventually bought the one with the best reviews and the most economical price. Despite spotting chargers listed at higher prices by other companies, she didn’t bargain with them to lower their prices.

However, in today’s world, because of the internet, everything is transparent. We can see everything. There’s no advantage to pricing high and settling for a lower offer. That’s an outdated strategy from the times when we relied on paper and phone books. Nowadays, everyone knows when a house is overpriced. So, the notion of pricing high to get a low offer doesn’t work. Moreover, if you price your home too high and it sits there, forcing you to adjust the price, buyers may start wondering what’s wrong with the house.

If you’re ready to price your house correctly and want to know what that price is, give us a call or send an email. We want to help educate you and be there for you.